What are Enzymes?
Enzymes are the “spark of life.” Digestive enzymes work specifically in the stomach and intestines to help the body digest food, absorb nutrients. But their benefits throughout the body are numerous and that’s what makes them essential for living a vibrant and disease free life.
Did you know that every year, 20,000 Americans die from these over the counter drugs and many more wind up in the hospital with liver or kidney damage. This is because over the counter anti-inflammatory drugs can be extremely toxic to the liver. Karyn’s Kare Systemic Enzymes contain natural ingredients that stimulate the immune system and can relieve common ailments like sinus congestion, headaches, and arthritis. Systemic enzymes can also improve circulation, reduce inflammation, decrease possibility for blood clotting, and break up cholesterol and fibrin in the blood vessels. It’s about time we introduced enzyme therapy in the United States and caught up with doctors in Europe and Asia who have been utilizing enzymes in medical treatment for decades!

Helps lower blood pressure

Improves blood circulation

Helps lower bad cholesterol

Relieves headaches, migraines and sinus pressure

Reduces inflammation

Removes and filters viruses from the blood

Minimizes blood clotting, preventing stroke and heart disease

Can help reduce allergy/hay fever symptoms

Can help reduce asthma attacks

Can help fight autoimmune disease (MS, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus)
Take 3 capsules once or twice a day or more as recommended by a healthcare practitioner. Take systemic enzymes on an empty stomach first thing in the morning or before bed. Unlike the digestive enzyme, it is important to give the body breaks from taking the systemic enzyme. NOTE: It is important to know that systemic enzymes should not be taken with prescription blood thinners.
Karyn’s enzymes were formulated with Viktoras Kulvinskas, M.S., an expert in holistic nutrition, raw foods, and enzyme supplementation. Karyn developed this special formulation with a blend of properties to effectively attack inflammation and improve the immune system. Some of the major active constituents working against inflammation are the Proteolytic Enzymes and the proprietary proteolytic blend, Serrazimes®. Karyn’s enzyme is a vegetarian formulation. It is enteric-coated and uses a highly advanced delivery system to ensure that all components get to tissues and organs in their most active state.
As we age, the body has a diminishing output of enzymes. This is because we make a finite amount of enzymes in a life time and we use a good deal of them by the time we reach our 40’s- especially given many people’s high stress lifestyles and poor eating habits. Around the age of 27, the body starts doling out enzymes more slowly so has trouble keeping up with any healing that needs to be done. It is around this time that many women start to develop conditions such as fibrocystic breast disease, uterine fibroids, and endometriosis. The body no longer heals as quickly and without scarring as when we are younger. Fibrin or fibrosis is scar tissue that deposits itself into nearly everything from simple cuts to the inside of organs and blood vessels and can prevent immune cells from attacking compromised cells. Systemic enzymes may help break down fibrin and help prevent fibrin from being deposited in wounds, fractures, and joints helping to control and reduce the amount of scar tissue and fibrosis in our bodies.
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About the Formulation:
Protease 6.0/ Protease 4.5: A mixture of acid, neutral and alkaline proteases that demonstrates both exo-peptidase and endo-peptidase activity with high substrate specificity
Papain: Contains a wide array of proteolytic enzymes. Easily and efficiently hydrolyzes most soluble proteins, yielding peptides and amino acids
Bromelain :
Contains several proteolytic enzymes, which differ in their specificity and optimum environment
Extensive research supports its beneficial effects on inflammation.
A proteolytic enzyme that is designed for cardiovascular, anti-inflammatory, respiratory, or immune support.
Rutin: anti-inflammatory potential is attributed mainly to its powerful antioxidant activity. The combination of these activities helps to minimize the cellular damage and resulting inflammation caused by the various oxidative processes.
Matt E. –
I’m in my late 50’s male, a friend suggested I try Karyn’s Systemic enzymes a few years back. Have been using the product daily as suggested and feel so much better! Skin (face especially) looks for vibrant and my over all health is amazing! Best to all @ karyn’s I love your products!
Yvonnie –
I love the systemic enzymes for overall health & better feeling joints.