Spirulina is named for its spiral structure. Though the term is now scientifically obsolete, its use persists as the common name for two species within the genus Arthrospira. Arthrospira grows naturally in tropical and subtropical alkaline freshwater lakes, and can survive high temperatures, in some cases even when its aquatic environment evaporates. Certain desert species can survive such conditions, turning white, dormant, and converting proteins into sugars (properties that have caused some scientists to theorize that the sweet “Manna” eaten by the Israelites during the Exodus may have been spirulina). Anthrospira is also able to take full advantage of sunlight by rising to the surface, and to protect its phytopigments from overexposure by re-submerging. This wonderfully adaptive alga has one of the highest known photosynthetic conversion rates, making it a leading candidate for the production of highly nutrient-dense biomass.


Lowers Cholesterol

Balances blood-sugar levels

Anti-cancer properties

May reduce blood-pressure

May reduce allergic reactions

Improves muscle strength and endurance
It is best to take spirulina at least four hours before going to bed. That said, most people report feeling benefits whenever and however they take spirulina as it is generally very safe to consume.
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First photosynthetic organisms and base of the food chain
Easy to assimilate
Free of bioaccumulated environmental toxicity
Complete food- one can live on green algae and require no other food source
Best dietary source of complete protein (over 60% when dehydrated) with ideal amino acid proportions
Broad spectrum of phytopigments supplies rich quantity of antioxidants
Full spectrum of vitamins and minerals
Essential Fatty Acids
Highest food source of chlorophyll.
Powerful detoxification assistance
In addition to the detox-supporting properties of chlorophyll, algae can help the body to rid itself of heavy metals and petrochemical contaminants.
First photosynthetic organisms and base of the food chain
Easy to assimilate
Free of bioaccumulated environmental toxicity
Complete food- one can live on green algae and require no other food source
Best dietary source of complete protein (over 60% when dehydrated) with ideal amino acid proportions
Broad spectrum of phytopigments supplies rich quantity of antioxidants
Full spectrum of vitamins and minerals
Essential Fatty Acids
Highest food source of chlorophyll..
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