Fenugreek has a long history of use both as a spice and as a medicinal ingredient. It belongs to the bean family Trigonella foenum-graecum. Fenugreek is an annual herb that is grown in a variety of places including Asia, Africa, India, and the United States. It blooms with white flowers in the summer and has very aromatic seeds. Fenugreek’s principal use is to expel toxic wastes through lymphatic systems. Fenugreek seeds are a rich source of mucilage, which may help to prevent constipation and soothe inflamed mucous membranes by having the ability to soften and dissolve hardened masses of accumulated mucus. It relieves congestion, reduces inflammation and fights infection. It contains natural expectorant properties ideal for addressing sinus and lung congestion, and loosens & removes excess mucus and phlegm in the bronchial tubes. It also has antiseptic properties and kills infection in the lungs. Fenugreek contains lecithin which dissolves cholesterol and contains lipotropic (fat dissolving) substances, which dissolves deposits of fat, prevents fatty accumulates and water retention. The constituents in the seeds contain saponin closely related to those in Yucca.

Helps reduce the risk of cancer

Helps reduce the risk of diabetes

Helps reduce the risk of obesity

Helps reduce the risk of high cholesterol

Helps reduce the risk of high blood pressure

Reduces inflammation

Fights bacterial, fungal and viral infections
Can be taken before or with a meal.
The traditional medical uses for fenugreek vary greatly and include labor induction, respiratory support, lactation support, digestive support, menstrual cramp support, and menopausal symptom relief. It is also suggested that fenugreek may have possible hypoglycemic and anti-hyperlipidemic properties. Years of research on fenugreek have revealed many healing properties including: helping diabetes, lower cholesterol, enhance breast milk, helps increase libido, helps reduce the symptoms of PMS and menopause, it has been used for loss of appetite and anorexia, improves digestion, relieve diarrhea, treat halitosis, lower fever and also can be used as an emollient in poultices for boils, cysts and other complaints. Research shows that one amazing benefit of fenugreek is that it is a natural breast enhancer. Fenugreek seeds contain compounds like diosgenin and other plant phyto-estrogens that have been researched to help naturally promote breast enhancement. Nursing mothers can take fenugreek to help with lactation. Fenugreek is considered and aphrodisiac has also been known to help increase libido in both men and women.
Research has been shown that fenugreek could be very beneficial for diabetes. Fenugreek may also increase the number of insulin receptors in red blood cells and improve glucose utilization in peripheral tissues, thus demonstrating potential anti-diabetes effects both in the pancreas and other sites. The amino acid 4- hydroxyisoleucine, contained in the seeds, may also directly stimulate insulin secretion.
Fenugreek is also rich in iron and aids in recovering from anaemia. The seeds help restore the senses of taste and smell. The sense of taste becomes dull due to improper functioning of salivary glands which often becomes clogged with mucus and accumulated juices causing swelling. Similarly the sense of smell is obstructed due to prolonged accumulation of mucus and other impurities in the nose where the olfactory nerves (the special sensory nerve of smell) are based.
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